Gert Skoczowsky-Danielsen

Transforming Shame and Guilt

Transforming Guilt and Shame,

Embracing Vulnerability and Choice

Oslo, Norway, 12-15 August 2020

Come train with Liv Larsson, author, mediator, coach and Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication

"Never do anything to avoid shame," Marshall B. Rosenberg, the Founder of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) used to say.

This expression might seem absurd at first. Until we understand that our feelings of shame are a valuable indication of important human needs that we are struggling to meet.

What do you do when you feel guilt or shame? Are you comfortable with this feeling? Or do you try to avoid it as much as possible, sometimes causing you stress and exhaustion?

Many of us use unnecessary energy to get rid of shame instead of getting to the core of it, in a way that will transform it. Embracing shame and guilt will give you better access to your sensitivity and empathy.

Do you want to know how?

Then, take part in this extraordinary training and reclaim power and choice, facilitated by international mediator, certified trainer, coach and author Liv Larsson (Sweden) and certified co-trainer Gert Skoczowsky-Danielsen (Norway).


– have a chance to explore the needs behind shame and learn how to embrace and befriend it,

– discover how shame and guilt make communication a challenge and how to turn that around by making these emotions a support in your connection with others and ourselves,

– work with concrete examples of where shame and guilt affect your life and communication in unwanted ways,

– take a look at how to connect with others when they are experiencing anger, guilt and shame.


– how to access vulnerability, sensitivity and empathy without giving up on your sense of power or choice,

– how to use the Compass of Needs to understand when you are wasting energy in avoiding shame and how to return to your needs again,

– how our society and culture influences our feelings of shame and guilt,

– how you as an individual can transform shame, guilt and anger into feelings that are more directly connected to life,

– how to connect with others when they are avoiding shame by attacking others, uses self blame, anger, withdrawing or rebelling.


– Anyone who wants to understand their own and/or others' guilt and shame – at a deeper level.

– Those of you who are tired of having your life influenced by guilt and shame.

Maybe you are longing for a sense of power and choice in your life? You might also be looking for a way to really live in empathy – from your heart and not from any method or tool?


– Knowledge of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is helpful but not needed.

– A great preparation for the training is to read Liv’s book “Reclaiming Power and Choice”. Especially chapter 4-5.


LIV LARSSON is a mediator and a Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC). She lives in Sweden and is the author of 20 books on communication for adults and children. Liv leads trainings all over the world, and she has been working since 1992 as a trainer, facilitating seminars on communication, mediation and how to deal with strong emotions.

Her books are translated into many different languages.

Liv is the mother of Neo (14). She loves to be in nature, exercising, doing yoga, writing and enjoying life.

GERT SKOCZOWSKY-DANIELSEN is one of only two Norwegian Certified Trainers with the Center for Nonviolent Communication and has trained hundreds of people across the world and online in four languages. A former specialist with the United Nations, Gert is also a coach, mentor, translator, interpreter and teacher and he is currently co-authoring a book on empathic dialogue.

In this training, Gert will take a smaller role, supporting Liv's work.


English (with interpretation into Norwegian or Swedish, if needed)


12-15 August 2020

08:00 – 17:00 (incl. lunch hour)

Sagene Samfunnshus, Kristiansandgate 2, Oslo, Norway


Your contribution covers tuition, coffee/tea, snacks, training materials and a training certificate.

If you register and pay by 8 July: EUR 590-1120**

If you register and pay by 22 July: EUR 740-1120**

If you register and pay by 30 July: EUR 990-1120**

Note: For Norwegian payments, EUR 1 = NOK 11

**Our request for your contribution is on a sliding scale in a needs-based manner. If you have a higher income than average, or will represent an organisation or company, we would very much appreciate a contribution towards the higher end, so that we are able to keep it lower for participants with a lower income.


1. Register by completing this online Registration Form

2. Wait for our confirmation and invoice, which will also include payment information. We then ask you to pay the full amount in order to reserve you a space on the training.

For our cancellation policy, please see the registration form.

The deadline for registration is 30 July 2020. The maximum number of participants in this workshop is 20 people, and we work on a first come, first served-basis. When the course is full, we will inform you and offer you to be put on a waiting list.


If you have any questions, please send a message to:


Read more about Liv's books on

Listen to Liv speak on shame in an interview:


The Norwegian Government plans to open up for travellers from Denmark on 15 June, from EU-EEA-Schengen countries on 20 July and from the rest of the world on 15 August. This may change and we will keep you informed.

We will also take all precautionary measures at the training, including ensuring social distancing, hand hygiene and thorough information on local and national laws, rules and safeguards.

It is important to us that you are safe and have predictability and trust. If you have any questions or doubts, please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you!

With gratitude, enthusiasm and hope,

Liv and Gert

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