Welcome to the perfect life!
Hehehe ... No, just not a single human being will do. And wouldn't that make us less human, more robotic? IVK is not about being perfect and it is not about being kind and making everyone happy. IVK is about being true to oneself and meeting others with both empathy and honesty - because it creates contact, it does good - and it is effective! Many have told me that I'm "too confrontational." - Don't you work with conflict management and peace and such ?, they ask, perhaps with the expectation that peace workers keep their mouths and smiles. I do not believe in sweeping the conflicts under the rug, and some will always be surprised when we are genuine and honest. Maybe it's still the best investment in an authentic relationship? I myself have struggled with bullying, depression, addiction, partner violence, low self-esteem, "difficult bosses" and friends and partners who have stolen from me or asked for services and simply disappeared. In 2012, I was kidnapped by a tribe in Yemen when I worked for the UN, and I feared for my life several times. So I got my dose of discomfort. Through peace studies, practice and work in 13 countries, I have never found anything as effective as IVK. With IVK I can take better care of myself, meet others with empathy and understanding and handle conflicts in a completely different way. I no longer allow others to be challenged and I manage to meet them with honesty and clear boundaries. I can't imagine a life without IVK.